Smoothie Staples
I have worked in a smoothie shop for over 2.5 years, and it’s safe to say that I have become a pro by now! I love making smoothies with my own combination of ingredients, and there are a few non-negotiables that I toss into the blender 99% of the time. Normally, people get tired of things they create at work when they work in food services, but (thankfully) the options are truly endless when it comes to smoothies. I made a list of these “Smoothie Staples” so you too can be inspired to take your smoothies up a few nourishing notches, while each sip stays just as delicious and becomes all the more satiating!

avocado (1/4-1/2 a medium avo): full of healthy omega-3 fats and makes smoothies so creamy
camu camu powder (about 1/2 tsp): loaded with vitamin c, which strengthens our immunity
collagen or protein powder: My favorite collagen peptides are from Vital Proteins and my favorite protein powders are from Four Sigmatic. None of their products that I’ve tried have that undesirable, chalky after taste!
(ground) flax seeds/hemp hearts: flax adds fiber to help with satiety and digestion and hemp seeds pack in a protein + omega-3 fats packed punch
organic greens (spinach is my favorite!): Greens balance out the sugars in fruits, and, therefore, lower the spike in your blood sugar (pro tip: when using citrus fruits or juices in your smoothies, add greens because the citruses help draw out their iron content)! Spinach especially only changes the color of most smoothie combos— otherwise, you’d never know it’s there! One of my favorite, classic green smoothies is my Man-Go Green Smoothie!
organic berries: Whenever I add fruit to my smoothies, I usually opt for berries that are organic because they’re loaded with antioxidants and add such a refreshing flavor to smoothies that can easily transform into a dessert-like drink with combos like this Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Smoothie!
unsweetened almond or coconut milk: Despite popular belief, adding a liquid to your smoothie is not always necessary. I recommend starting small with whichever one(s) you choose, especially if you have fruit that’s super juicy, or blending everything as well as you can before adding any at all. I love thicker consistencies for my smoothies and get the best results with this by adding liquids incrementally!